
Bratley Chemist in Market Place
Vaux Brothers Grocers
Inside Vaux Brothers
England Ironmongers – W H Smith now occupy the building
Another view of England Ironmongers
Binder throwing out the sheaves
Saturday Market
Saturday mornings queue for the Crescent
Wordsworth Grocers Beastfair.
G T Smith Butchers and Bakers
My old school Pontefract Senior Boys. Where Morrisons Supermarket is today.
Beastfair. Doncaster bus waiting
Market Place
Claytons Butchers, Bratley’s Chemist (new shop) and W H Smiths
South Yorkshire buses lined up ready for service (Photo J Lambert)
Already for the Christmas Shoot Dinner at Bramham Park
Darrington Road Showing my old stables on the right
Arthur James walking in the snow at the same location before Northleigh had been built.
Gipsy pegs, they were of willow and the band at the top cut from food tins. They lasted ages.
Gipsy flowers made from wood. I remember we had some which lasted years.
This cottage stood on the site of my house Miss Thornton standing in the garden
My first set of wheels Austin A35 Countryman taken 1959 when petrol was 10p a gallon or roughly 21/2p a litre.